Try After You Buy!

Tips & Projects

Yes, we should all try before we buy, but what about trying after you buy?

To avoid stress or a blind panic before a really important event (i.e job interview, wedding, night out with friends, meet-the parents), our tip is to always try your entire outfit on a few days before you big occasion. 

Why? Because if there is any chance that your skirt bunches up too high when you sit down, or your pant hem is too short with your high-heels, or your stockings have a ladder in them, or that perfect blouse is perfectly see-through, you want to know as soon as possible prior to the event.

That way you can have your clothes altered, dry-cleaned, pressed etc. with enough time to avoid any panic or stress.

Services Mentioned: Alter It: Dry Clean It / Bridal Party / Hem It / Internet Purchases / Lengthen It / Measure It / Taper It

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